Ophan Dashboard

Please click the button below to log in with your Google account.

If you’re already logged in to Gmail, you will just be asked to confirm that Ophan is allowed to see your email address and name.

If you’re not logged into Gmail, you will be asked to log in. Always check that the page is hosted by google.com in your address bar before entering your credentials.

Having trouble logging in?

If you're trying to log in with Safari, please switch to the latest version of Chrome or Firefox instead.

How do I check and upgrade my Chrome version?

Ophan supports Chrome versions 67 and above. Follow these instructions to check your browser version. For instructions on how to upgrade your version of Chrome, click here.

A small number of users have recently been having trouble logging in even with the latest version of Chrome; if this includes you, please follow the below instructions and send your screenshot and PLAY_SESSION cookie to ophan@guardian.co.uk. This will help us to investigate the problem:

  • Go to https://dashboard.ophan.co.uk/ on your laptop/desktop in Chrome
  • Right click on the screen, and select 'Inspect'
  • Go to the 'Application' tab
  • From the menu on the left, select Storage -> Cookies - > https://dashboard.ophan.co.uk/
  • Take a screenshot of your screen – we're particularly interested in the 'PLAY_SESSION' cookie and the Secure & SameSite columns, so please make sure they're clearly visible in the screenshot
  • Copy the value of the PLAY_SESSION cookie and send it to us at ophan@guardian.co.uk along with the screenshot

Your use of the Ophan Dashboard is tracked against the email address that you use to sign in. This information is used by the Ophan team solely to guide improvements to the Dashboard and measure its effectiveness.